On April 13th, 2019, we kicked off our new community outreach series in Columbus, Ohio, entitled “Wegene at a Glance” – where we visit communities across the US with large diaspora populations to introduce these communities to Wegene and educate them on how they can participate in aiding our mission. I had the pleasure of joining current Wegene Ethiopian Foundation (WEF) board members/Wegene Youth Club (WYC) board officials and loyal volunteers at this kick-off event. Representing WEF Board members and the Youth Club officials gave introductory presentations to a group of about 30-40 people.
Our President Nini Legesse gave an all-encompassing presentation on the mission of Wegene and what we’re working to do in the future with different communities across the US — through our new event series. I spoke on behalf of the Youth Club, touching on how the Youth Club works to instill social responsibility in our children through philanthropy. We opened the floor for guest participation and to our delight we were flooded with interests and donations. We are very grateful for your positive response Columbus! Since this kick-off, we’ve had two more events in this series in San Antonio, Texas and Oakland. California; we have another planned in Atlanta, Georgia on Sunday, August 25th, 2019.
Thank you Columbus, Ohio for your support. WEF looks forward to working with you on building our organization in the very near future!